Articles and Guidelines
Advanced Cardiac Life Support
Articles (Resuscitation)
- Adrenaline for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest resuscitation: a systemic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Resuscitation 2014)
- Association of pharmacist presence on compliance with advanced cardiac life support guidelines during in-hospital cardiac arrest (Ann Pharmacother 2008)
- Effect of Vasopressin and Methylprednisolone vs Placebo on Return of Spontaneous Circulation in Patients With In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial (JAMA 2021)
- Pharmacotherapy considerations in advanced cardiac life support (Pharmacotherapy 2006)
- Sodium bicarbonate use during in-hospital pediatric pulseless cardiac arrest — a report from the American Heart Assocaition Get with the guidelines®–Resuscitation (Resuscitation 2016)
- The effect of adherence to ACLS protocols on survival of event in the setting of in-hospital cardiac arrest.(Resuscitation 2014)
- The effects of calcium and sodium bicarbonate on severe hyperkalemia during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a retrospective cohort study of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest (Resuscitation 2015)
- The intraosseous access devices as a method of vascular access during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (Am J Emerg Med 2016)
- Vasopressin for cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis.(Arch Intern Med 2005)
Articles (Targeted Temperature Management)
- Clinical applications of targeted temperature management (Chest 2014)
- Comparison of two sedation regimens during targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest (Resuscitation 2018)
- Effect of different methods of cooling for targeted temperature management on outcome after cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Crit Care 2019)
- Moderate-dose sedation and analgesia during targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest (Neurocrit Care 2015)
- Neurologic function and health-related quality of life in patients following targeted temperature management at 33oC vs 36oC after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a randomized clinical trial (JAMA Neurol 2015)
- Pharmacokinetic and other considerations for drug therapy during targeted temperature management (Crit Care Med 2015)
- Targeted Temperature Management for Cardiac Arrest with Nonshockable Rhythm (NEJM 2019)
- Targeted temperature management in adult cardiac arrest: Systematic review and meta-analysis (Resuscitation 2021)
- Targeted temperature management processes and outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational cohort study (Crit Care Med 2014)
- Use of targeted temperature management after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (Am J Med 2016)
- 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care – Part 7: Adult Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (Circulation 2015)
- 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care – Part 8: Post-Cardiac Arrest Care (Circulation 2015)
- 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care – Part 12: Pediatric Advanced Life Support (Circulation 2015)
- Part 1: Executive Summary: 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
- Part 3: Adult Basic and Advanced Life Support: 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care
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