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SACP Chair Message June 2023

June 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Let us “Be the Change.”

Returning from a most energizing and rewarding Summer Meeting and keeping in mind the words of Mahatma Gandhi that were quoted by new ASHP President Nishaminy Kasbekar that we can all “be the change” we wish to see in our profession. “Be bold, be more, be the change” – the message was heard loud and clear. Keynote speaker Leana Wen shared important and thought-provoking discussion around public health, systemic healthcare disparities, and the need for our profession to create sustainable services that improve access for patients, among other important professional issues. There are undoubtedly gaps in healthcare that the pharmacy workforce can continue to contribute to closing, and we have a responsibility to work with our interprofessional teams to address these significant patient care issues.

The House of Delegates was engaging, collaborative, and fun! Pertinent to the Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners, delegates had much conversation and deliberation around streamlining and adding to ASHP policy language regarding compensation and creation/maintenance of financially sustainable business models for pharmacists in all settings of care for all types of financial models. As we continue to grow and expand our services in the ambulatory care space (and beyond), ensuring pharmacists are adequately resourced to establish and expand services has been a focal point of our vision as an executive committee. Our Section also submitted recommendations related to Independent Prescribing Authority, Peer Review, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. It was an honor to represent the Section at the House of Delegates this year and ensure that the perspective of ambulatory care pharmacists was considered within the policy development process. I also had the great honor of hearing an inspiring message from a most deserving and inspirational pharmacist, the ASHP Whitney Award Winner Milap Nahata.

The content at the summer meeting was inspiring – from sessions on billing for services, Social Determinants of Health, the Physical Assessment Workshop, Community Pharmacy & Ambulatory Care Pearls, and an engaging roundtable session in collaboration with the Section on Community Pharmacy Practitioners, I can certainly attest that the 2023 ASHP Summer Meeting was one not to be missed. For those who were unable to attend this year, we hope to see you next year in Portland, Oregon!

As we look ahead to the upcoming volunteer year, I would like to send a heartfelt thank you to my Executive Committee: Brody Maack, Daniel Truelove, Christina DeRemer, Ashley Parrott, and Jordan Wulz; I couldn’t have fulfilled my role as Chair without you. While I am sad that my year as Chair has come to an end, I look forward to continuing to serve in the Immediate Past Chair role under the amazing leadership of incoming Chair Brody Maack. Your leadership, vision, dedication, engagement, and service are unmatched. To our Board Liaison, Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer: thank you for your support and guidance in our work as you led us to ensure we were in alignment and informed about important ASHP initiatives. To our amazing ASHP Staff, Melanie Smith: your guidance, support, and leadership allow our Executive Committee, Section Advisory Groups, and the Section at Large to accomplish so much on behalf of our members, our profession, and the patients we serve.  To our Section Advisory Groups (SAGs) and SAG Leadership – the work you have completed this year has provided tremendous resources, tools, and education for our Section. I am in awe of all of you! Our Section is certainly in great hands. Let us “Be” what we hope to see in our profession!


Jaclyn Boyle, PharmD, MBA, BCACP, RPh
Chair, Section of Ambulatory Care Practitioners