Program Interest and Participation
The Guided Mentorship Program is open to ASHP members only. ASHP members interested in participating as a mentee (student pharmacist or new practitioner) or mentor must complete the online application during the designated application period. (Please note that participation is limited. Submission of an application does not guarantee selection as a mentor or mentee.)
ASHP will use this information to match mentors and mentees in a number of areas, such as professional background, geographic region, or other shared interests. Matched pairs will be contacted and formal participation will kick off with a training orientation followed by a series of one-on-one virtual meetings facilitated by the mentee during the dedicated mentorship period. ASHP will provide mentoring resources to help guide mentoring pairs throughout the duration of the program.
The 2024-2025 application cycle is currently closed.
New applications will be accepted in August 2025.
Interested in participating during the next cycle or have questions about the program? Complete the program interest survey to stay informed about future opportunities.