Preparing the Next Generation of Health-System Pharmacists
ASHP is the nation’s largest pharmacy organization and serves as your guide to finding a career path that is right for you and supporting you during your pharmacy school journey. ASHP resources and networking opportunities are designed to help you navigate each year of your professional training and prepare you for a fulfilling career in health-system pharmacy.
Make ASHP Your Professional Home
TRANSITIONING to pharmacy school can be overwhelming, and you may have more questions than answers. ASHP is here to serve as your guide from your very first day, all the way through graduation.
First-Year Pharmacy Student (P1) | FREE MEMBERSHIP
As you settle into pharmacy school, ASHP helps you connect with pharmacy leaders, grow your professional network, access career development resources, learn about residencies, and more.
$0 Membership for First-Year (P1).
Second-Year Pharmacy Student (P2)
As a second-year student you are balancing a rigorous curriculum, maintaining your well-being, and working to establish important connections. ASHP helps you navigate it all with confidence.
$58 Membership for your P2 year or choose monthly payments of less than $5 a month.
Third-Year Pharmacy Student (P3)
Your vision for life after pharmacy school is beginning to take shape. ASHP is here to help you hone your professional identity as you gain experience on the healthcare team.
$58 Membership for your P3 year, less than $5 a month.
Fourth-Year Pharmacy Student (P4)
The ASHP fourth-year student pharmacist resources serve as your guide in researching post-graduate training options, interview preparation, and planning for life after graduation.
$58 for your final year of student membership, less than $5 a month.

"As a first-year student pharmacist, I was overwhelmed by the number of professional pharmacy organizations and wasn’t sure which ones were right for me. I really appreciated my complimentary ASHP P1 membership. It took the pressure off and made the choice easier."
Khushali Sarnot, PharmD
PGY1/2 Health-System Administration
and Leadership (HSPAL)/MS Resident
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Welcome to the first year of your pharmacy school journey! We understand that transitioning to pharmacy school may be overwhelming. ASHP provides support and guidance for student pharmacists with resources like the Road to Residency, and CV development program. ASHP also provides networking opportunities through the Pharmacy Student Forum Advisory Groups, the ASHP Guided Mentorship Program , and ASHP Connect. Join ASHP today for your first year of pharmacy school at no charge.
Discover Your Career Interests
Pharmacy Residency Preparation
Professional Development Resources

"My ASHP membership has prepared me to become a future pharmacy leader. As an ASHP member, I have a national platform to contribute my ideas, perspectives, and insights as well as the opportunity to connect with peers and mentors who share my passion for and commitment to advancing the pharmacy profession. I am grateful for the invaluable experiences and relationships I have formed – and continue to form – along the way."
Sarika Satishkumar
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2026
Northeastern University School of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences
As a second year student pharmacist, classes like pharmacotherapy and pharmacokinetics provide you with an in-depth look into the role of pharmacists on the patient care team. ASHP’s clinical and career resources help you as you learn more about acute and ambulatory care practice settings and as you begin to think about post-graduate training and career options.
ASHP Clinical Resources
ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum
Pharmacy Residency Programs
Professional Development Resources

"I am beyond grateful for the many meaningful experiences I have had as an ASHP member. My membership has helped me grow my leadership, advocacy, and clinical skills as well as build a robust network of other dedicated and innovative student pharmacists and pharmacy leaders nationwide."
Kaylee Meador
PharmD Candidate, Class of 2025
University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
During your third l year of pharmacy school, in-person course work wraps up and you begin to outline your experiential rotation learning experiences. It’s an exciting time as life after pharmacy school becomes clearer. ASHP’s resources help you as you start to develop your professional identity and enhance your skillset as you venture onto the healthcare team.
Residency Preparation
- Residency Information
- Making the Most of APPE Experiences (AJHP)
- Residency Directory
- Midyear Clinical Meeting
- Student Residency Resource Center
- Road to Residency: Plan for Success as a P1-P3 Student
Professional Development
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) Development
- Maximize Your Rotations: ASHP’s Student Guide to IPPEs, APPEs, and Beyond
- APPE Learning Experience at ASHP Headquarters
- Get the Residency: ASHP’s Guide to Residency Interview and Preparation
ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum
ASHP Clinical Resources
Financial Management

"Being involved with ASHP was a highlight of my pharmacy school journey and showed me that your reach can go very far, even as a student pharmacist. Serving on the Pharmacy Student Forum Executive Committee taught me many valuable lessons and leadership skills that I will carry with me throughout my pharmacy career. "
Austen Werab, PharmD
PGY1 Resident
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
It’s your final year as you take in as much information as possible during experiential rotations, shadowing experiences, and conversations with mentors about life beyond pharmacy school. ASHP fourth year resources will guide you as you research post-graduate training, and prepare for interviews.
Residency Preparation
- Residency Directory
- Midyear Clinical Meeting
- Student Residency Resource Center
- Match Day Resources
Interview Preparation
- Interview Skills Packet
- Tips for Succeeding at Pharmacy Residency Interviews
- Video and Phone Interview Best Practices
- ASHP Interview Prep
Professional Development
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) Development
- Maximize Your Rotations: ASHP’s Student Guide to IPPEs, APPEs, and Beyond