The Leading Provider of Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding Resources
Compounding is an essential part of pharmacy practice and crucial for patients who are unable to use commercially available formulations of medications. Applying new standards and understanding the risks associated with compounding is a critical aspect of medication and patient safety.
The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) provides guidelines that inform pharmacies on best practices. They recently published their latest revisions to the compounding USP chapters <797> and <795>, which will be made official on November 1, 2023. As the leading provider of sterile and nonsterile compounding resources in the industry, we are dedicated to providing our members and customers with timely, accurate, and complete information that incorporates the new standards.
2023 USP Chapter <797> and <795> Revisions
ASHP has compiled the following documents to help inform pharmacies on the USP <797> and <795> changes and as assets to be used during implementation of the new standards to ensure compliance prior to the November 1, 2023 deadline. Resources accompanied with the lock symbol. are exclusively for ASHP members. If you are not currently a member, join today to access these documents.
Persons Responsibilities
New Compounding Resources and Products
Below find the latest ASHP products that can be used to help you or your pharmacy staff prepare and implement the new USP <797> and <795> standards. ASHP is the leading provider of sterile and nonsterile compounding resources and we are dedicated to provide timely and important information to our members and customers.
Product use categories: Sterile,

Practical Training in Compounding Sterile Preparations Certificate
View All Compounding Resources & Products

Podcasts and Webinars
- [Podcast] Compounding Conundrums: Return of the BUD... What are Category 1, 2, and 3 Compounded Sterile Products?
- [Podcast] Compounding Conundrums: Beyond-Use Date, What a BUD IS and What a BUD ISN’T
- [Webinar] Succeed at Sterile Compounding Changes: Best Practices to Consider
- [Webinar] USP <797>: Impactful Changes and Implementation Insights
- [Webinar] USP <795>: Impactful Changes and Other Nonsterile Compounding Best Practices
- o View All Podcasts and Webinars
ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2025
Sterile Compounding Designated Person Competency Training

Meet the USP Chapter <797> requirements for live competency for your sterile compounding designated person through ASHP's premier program and training, held this June 7–11 as part of ASHP Pharmacy Futures 2025.
The Sterile Compounding Designated Person Competency Training includes 1.5 days of immersive programming that teaches and subsequently assesses the competency of sterile compounding designated persons. Participants of this training will:
- Gain confidence in assessing personnel competency and conducting in-house environmental monitoring
- Build skills and have competency assessed by sterile compounding experts
- Obtain documentation of completion of specialized training and assessment
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