This is the official call for delegates and alternate delegates to the 77th session of the ASHP House of Delegates. The House of Delegates consists of ASHP members who contribute diverse pharmacy practice experience when shaping ASHP professional policies on important issues related to pharmacy practice and medication use in society.
The following timeline is recommended to state affiliates for selecting delegates and alternates for the 2025 House of Delegates.
- November/December: Announce the Call for Delegates to all ASHP members in your state
- December: Prepare a ballot with names and background information on candidates
- January: Conduct a delegate election
- January 17, 2025: Submit names of delegates and alternates to ASHP
Election Procedure
Delegates and alternate delegates represent the active ASHP members in a given state. “Election” of state delegates and alternates should be in accordance with the bylaws of the affiliated state society or in accordance with accepted procedure. Eligibility of delegates and voters in the election must be in accordance with the ASHP Bylaws. Please review the ASHP Election Procedure Bylaws before conducting your election for state delegates and alternates.
While there is a limitation set forth in the ASHP Bylaws on the number of delegates from a state, there is no limitation on the number of alternate delegates a state may designate. ASHP recommends that the number of alternate delegates not exceed the allowable number of delegates. The ASHP House of Delegates Apportionment for the period July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2027, sets forth the number of delegates to be elected from among ASHP members in each state.
ASHP delegate elections are ASHP elections and follow ASHP’s standard electronic delegate elections process using Qualtrics survey platform. ASHP will pre-populate the list of active ASHP members in your state directly into your Qualtrics state account.
If you have questions about the delegate or election process, using Qualtrics, or need an electronic file of active ASHP members in your state (if not using the Qualtrics program), contact Anne Policastri, Director, Affiliate Relations, at
Deadline for Return of Delegates and Alternates
The official list of delegates and alternates from your state should be returned to the ASHP Affiliate Relations Division by submitting via the provided Qualtrics link or by email to no later than January 17, 2025. State delegates and alternates are considered certified only if the communication is sent from a President, Board Secretary, or Executive of an ASHP-Affiliated State Society.
Welcome Messages from the Chair
The Chair of the House of Delegates will conduct a welcome webinar in late February or March to provide new and returning delegates with an overview of service requirements before participating in the March virtual House of Delegates. The Chair also regularly communicates with delegates through email messages to alert delegates to upcoming action items.
The House of Delegates will require meeting in-person on two separate occasions during the 2025 ASHP Pharmacy Futures Meeting.
Other virtual meetings of the House of Delegates may be held in May 2025 and November 2025.
Resources to Help Serve as a Delegate
Please review the welcome packet for more information on delegate responsibilities. Additional resources for delegates are available on the HOD webpage.
Thank you in advance for your time, attention, and work related to the 2025 session.