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SPE Chair's Message September 2024

Jen Arnoldi, PharmD, BCPS

September 2024

Dear Pharmacy Educators,

I'm thrilled to welcome all new members to the Section of Pharmacy Educators (SPE) and extend my thanks to our continuing members. I’m looking forward to the conversations, collaborations, and deliverables that will come out of the SPE this year. As we continue the work from previous years and embark on new journeys, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering commitment to training the next generation of pharmacists.

Your role as both educators and preceptors is invaluable; whether you share your extensive knowledge and expertise in the classroom, in practice with students, residents, and new practitioners, or all of the above, your contribution is truly transformative. Through your guidance and mentorship, your learners will develop the skills, critical thinking, and professionalism needed to become exceptional pharmacists who will shape the future of our profession. I look forward to working closely with all of you in the year ahead as we continue to elevate the standards of pharmacy education and training. Here's to a productive and rewarding year!

I am serving as your Chair this year, and I am excited to be working alongside Timothy R. Brown, PharmD, BCACP, FASHP, who will be serving as the Chair-Elect. Dr. Brown is the current director of interprofessional education for the University of Georgia’s College of Pharmacy and a professor in pharmacology and toxicology for Augusta University Medical College of Georgia and UGA Partnership. Dr. Brown has experience on the ASHP Board of Directors and within the SPE and Executive Committee, having previously served as the Director-at-Large. We will continue to benefit from his leadership, insights, and expertise.

We are pleased to welcome Amy M. Henneman, PharmD, BCACP, BCPS, CDCES to the Executive Committee as a Director-at-Large Elect. Dr. Henneman serves as Chair and Associate Professor within the Department of Pharmacy Practice at Belmont University, with a clinical practice site in primary care at Neighborhood Health Clinic. Dr. Henneman has been an active member of the Section Advisory Group (SAG) on Development of the Educational Workforce (DEW). Her previous service includes Chair and Vice Chair of the SAG on Postgraduate Education and Learning Experiences.

Christene M. Jolowsky, BSPharm, MS, FASHP, FMSHP, will work with the SPE in her role as ASHP Board of Directors liaison. Dr. Jolowsky is the Senior Pharmacy Director for Hennepin Healthcare System, Minneapolis and Assistant Professor at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. She is the current Treasurer of ASHP and the ASHP Foundation and has made significant contributions to ASHP, including serving as President. I’m looking forward to the insights and expertise that Dr. Jolowsky will provide to the SPE this year.

The SPE will benefit from another new face this year, ASHP’s Director of Member Relations for the Section of Pharmacy Educators, Rebecca Berhanu-Brooks, PharmD, BCPS. Her experience as a pharmacy educator and passion for the profession are going to serve the Section well as she helps guide our efforts.

The Executive Committee is also welcoming back returning members:

  • Immediate-Past Chair: Cher Enderby, PharmD, BCNSP
  • Director-at-Large: Kevin W. Chamberlin, BS, PharmD, RPh, FASCP
  • Director-at-Large: Dale E. English II, PharmD, BSPharm, RPh, FASHP

I’d like to extend a special thank you to ASHP staff member Erika Thomas, MBA, BSPharm for her guidance and support of this section as well as Vickie Powell, BS, PharmD, MS, FASHP, CPEL outgoing Board Liaison, and our outgoing Immediate Past Chair, Jim Trovato, PharmD, MBA, FASHP. Together, you have helped the SPE accomplish great things.

The Executive Committee had a productive meeting at Pharmacy Futures in Portland, Oregon, which included work on the SPE’s Strategic Plan. The work of the SPE is carried out by our amazing volunteers through the Section Advisory Groups (SAGs). This year, some of the key priorities include supporting quality faculty and preceptor development, advancing well-being and resilience for pharmacy professionals and learners, and advancing awareness of the impact of health-system pharmacists in patient care.

I’m looking forward to the connections we will build through our work within the SAGs this year and hoping to see many SPE members in person at the Midyear Clinical Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana! Be sure to check out the SPE-hosted Networking Sessions:

  • Challenges and Opportunities for Pharmacy Practice Faculty in Professional Practice Settings
    (Sunday, December 8th at 11:15 a.m.)
  • Remediation in Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences Rotations (APPE)
    (Monday, December 9th at 11:15 a.m.)
  • Residency Program Support
    (Tuesday, December 10th at 11:15 a.m.)

This is your section, and we would love to hear from you. We want to know what issues you are facing and how SPE can better meet your needs. Please send questions, comments, or suggestions to Looking forward to a great and productive year!

Jen Arnoldi, PharmD, BCPS
Chair, ASHP Section of Pharmacy Educators

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