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NPF Executive Committee Message April 2023

Cassidy Dixon, PharmD, BCPS

April 2023

Hello New Practitioners!

Spring is here and the weather is not the only thing that is changing! Whether you are a student finishing up pharmacy school or a resident starting their career search, ASHP has all the resources to help you successfully navigate these transitions on the ASHP Career Transitions page. For those that have recently matched, CONGRATULATIONS and make sure you take time to review the  ASHP Match Day Resources for many post-match tips and tricks. If you are currently participating in Phase II of the Match, GOOD LUCK. ASHP also has many resources available on how to successfully prepare for Phase II and the scramble.

For residents, as you begin to wrap up the residency year, make sure to take advantage of all that ASHP has to offer. If you are completing your research, make sure you check out the Research Project Tip Sheet created by the Clinical Practice Advisory Group or the Medication Evaluation Template created by the Resident Advancement Advisory Group. If you are preparing for job interviews, the Job Preparation: Interview & CV Resources page is full of information to transform your CV, write a cover letter, and to master the interviews.

Thinking about new leadership opportunities? Register for the April 19th ASHP Section Leadership Opportunities Panel and join the ASHP New Practitioners Forum Executive Committee and ASHP Section Leaders to discuss leadership experiences and opportunities within ASHP. Also do not forget to apply to serve on a New Practitioners Forum Advisory group by May 1st. Being a member of the New Practitioners Forum allows you to create resources for the unique needs of new practitioners and network with individuals across the country.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @ASHP_NPF, connect with us on the NPF Connect Community Page, or reach out at We welcome any feedback or suggestions on what additional resources you would like to see the ASHP NPF offer. Best of luck with all the new endeavors that may be heading your way!

Cassidy Dixon, PharmD, BCPS
Member, New Practitioners Forum Executive Committee
Inpatient Pharmacy Operations Supervisor, University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO