September 2020
Dear Colleagues,
As we welcome the fall season, the evolving environment within healthcare continues to keep us all on our toes. The new dynamics with drug manufacturers and payers in the midst of a pandemic are certainly challenging. We must continue to work collaboratively together and within the Section to help navigate these dynamic changes and move from defense to offense. The Section is here to help!
We are excited to kick off the Section Advisory Groups with 165 passionate pharmacy leaders who will be collaborating to develop relevant and timely content to assist with the warp speed environment we are operating under. The Section will continue to produce and provide relevant content geared towards pharmacy leaders in the coming months. The Section could not accomplish its goals without the leaders of our Advisory Groups and Committees and I would like to take a moment to recognize our 2020-2021 Chairs and Vice Chairs:
SAG on Business Development & System Integration – Chair, Brian Latham, Pharm.D.; Executive Director of Pharmacy; Bon Secours Mercy Health and Vice Chair, Grayson Peek, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, Pharmacy Manager, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
SAG on Frontline Leaders – Chair, Travis Dick, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS; Associate Director of Pharmacy, Clinical Services; Director, PGY1 Pharmacy Residency; University of Rochester Medical Center and Vice Chair, Rachel Root, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS; Pharmacy Manager; Abbott Northwestern Hospital
SAG on New and Emerging Leaders – Chair, Tom Achey, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS; Manager, Inpatient Pharmacy; Princeton Baptist Medical Center and Vice Chair, John Hill, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS; Division Director, Central Pharmacy; The Johns Hopkins Hospital
SAG on Strategy and Industry Disrupters – Chair, Anthony Boyd, Pharm.D.; Pharmacy Manager, Oncology; Cleveland Clinic and Vice Chair, Molly Wascher, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS; Clinical Programs Manager, Specialty Pharmacy; Johns Hopkins Home Care Group
SAG on Value, Quality, and Compliance – Chair, David Hager, Pharm.D., BCPS; Director, Clinical Pharmacy Services; UW Health and Vice Chair, Jennifer Belavic, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS; Regional Director of Pharmacy; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
Multi-Hospital Pharmacy Executives Committee – Chair, Brad Myers, Pharm.D., M.B.A., BCPS; Executive Director – Pharmacy and Laboratory/Pathology; University of Missouri Health Care and Vice Chair, Christy Norman, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS; Vice President Pharmacy Services; Emory Healthcare
SPPL Educational Steering Committee – Chair, Amanda Hansen, Pharm.D., MHA, FACHE; Assistant Director of Pharmacy; Cleveland Clinic and Vice Chair, Anthony Scott, Pharm.D., M.B.A.; Assistant Director of Pharmacy; UChicago Medicine
Great example of the resources developed by our volunteer member groups are the recent series of podcasts recorded. They include:
Developing Emerging Leaders Leveraging ASHP Resources;
Pharmacy Leadership: Coaching and Leading Frontline Staff;
Managing the Transition from Front Line to Leadership;
Implementation of an Opioid Stewardship Program at an Academic Medical Center; and
Critically Analyzing Clinical Services to Maximize Impact and Improve Efficiency
We will also be having the Virtual ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders 2020 and I hope you will take advantage of all the great and timely content. As always, this Conference is a unique event with topics specially identified by the SPPL Education Steering Committee for members. I hope to see and interact with you all (virtually) at the ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders. For information check out the website that also recognizes the 25th year of this special conference!
The Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders Executive Committee would like to continue to partner with members of this Section to bring forth innovative solutions to problems we are facing. I invite you to please continue to share your ideas and feedback. We would love to hear what important issues you are facing, solutions you are implementing, and ideas you have related to issues you are facing in your practice. Please contact us any time via email (
Philip Brummond, Pharm.D., M.S., FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders (2020-2021)