June 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Healthcare in general, and health-systems pharmacy specifically, has grown accustomed to a very rapid rate of change. We are used to dealing with whatever hand we are dealt, and we have come to expect uncertainty. However, the last two years have seen an unprecedented number of challenges on all fronts. The ongoing devastation of COVID-19 pandemic will be felt for generations to come. Drug and other supply chain shortages threaten our ability to provide patient care, with issues such as iodinated contrast and even TPN compounder disposables supply disruptions causing major issues in health systems across the country. There is a shortage of pharmacy technicians across the nation. We have also seen unprecedented attacks on the role of the pharmacist from state legislatures across the country related to off-label COVID-19 treatments. Yet, despite all of this, pharmacy departments in health systems across the nation continue to do what they do best – provide excellent patient care. In the words of Ray Davis, “a challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.” Pharmacy departments across the country have refused to bow to these challenges.
The same work ethic and ingenuity seen in health system pharmacy departments is also on full display within our Section. I continue to be simply amazed at the hard work put in and the results achieved by all of the volunteer leaders in our Section. Here is partial list of accomplishments from our Section Advisory Groups and Committees:
- Seven virtual roundtables
- Ten podcast recordings, with another seven still to come
- A national survey on centralized shared services
- Development of a leaders and managers wellness calendar resource
- One AJHP publication with two more upcoming
- Multiple networking sessions at the 2021 Leaders Conference and 2021 Midyear Clinical Meeting
- Multiple upcoming presentations at the 2022 Midyear Clinical Meeting
I would personally like to thank the leaders and members of all of these membership groups for all of the hard work you have done and continue to do. You truly embody the mission of the Section.
Another exciting development this past year has been the formation of the Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residents’ Collaborative (PALRC). PALRC is designed to serve as a home within ASHP for unique offerings for the Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership (HSPAL) residents across the country. It has been so exciting to watch this group of young leaders put in so much time and effort to get this important initiative off the ground and off to a fantastic start. In the first year of its existence, PALRC was able to host six different virtual events for current residents and students interested in HSPAL residency training.
We have also been working with the ASHP Pharmacy Technician Forum executive committee supporting ASHP’s efforts to address the technician shortages with a major outcome from ASHP being the outcomes of two national surveys, one for pharmacy executives and one for pharmacy technicians. Additionally, pharmacy leaders and ASHP state affiliates across the nation have been advocating against the dangerous practice of payer mandated white bagging of medications. The Section and ASHP’s PELA, Government Relations, and State Affiliate Division, and our devoted members have seen excellent outcomes and efforts continue.
Speaking of leadership, at this time I would like to offer congratulations to a great leader in our profession, Steven Sheaffer, for being recognized as the 2022 John W. Webb Lecture Award recipient. He will present his lecture at the 2022 ASHP Conference for Leaders. I hope to see you all there!
At this point, it is my absolute pleasure to recognize some amazing colleagues who I have had the pleasure of serving with over this past year: Phil Brummond, outgoing Past-Chair, Lindsey Amerine, Chair-Elect, Lindsey Kelley and Mark Sullivan, Directors-At-Large, and David Hager, Director-At-Large-Elect. I have learned so much from each of you and have enjoyed every minute we have spent together. I know the Section will be in great hands under Lindsey Amerine’s leadership next year. I also would like to thank our Board Liaison, Pam Phelps. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank our staff liaison and the person who really keeps all of these things moving forward, ASHP Assistant Vice President for Pharmacy Leadership and Planning, David Chen.
It is hard to believe that this is my last message to the Section as Chair. It has been an honor and a privilege to get to serve in this role for the past year. I am truly humbled every day by the work being done by the leaders in our Section and across our profession. As always, please reach out to us at sections@ashp.org if you have any suggestions for how we can better serve you.
Jeff Little, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, FACHE, FASHP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders