The Leading Provider of Resources for Pain Management and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
As a member of the interprofessional healthcare team, pharmacists use pain management plans to ensure that patients’ pain is appropriately managed, work with other providers to select the best possible therapies, monitor those therapies, educate the patient and other members of the team, and help identify the signs of substance use disorder.
ASHP is a leading provider of exceptional professional development, continuing education and practice resources which reinforce our commitment to elevating the vital role that pharmacist play as patient care providers.
Urge policymakers to fully utilize pharmacists in the fight against OUD by:
- Encouraging states to adopt ASHP's model legislation empowering pharmacists on the care team to initiate therapy with MOUDs
- Urging state boards of pharmacy to adopt ASHP's model protocol to allow physicians to partner with pharmacists on the care team to manage opioid use and support patient treatment for OUD
- Recommending that the federal government utilize emergency authority to respond to the opioid epidemic by authorizing pharmacists in all states to expand access to MOUDs
ASHP’s Recommendations to the Federal Government to Address the Opioid Epidemic [PDF]
Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Program Gap Assessment Tool
The Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Program Gap Assessment Tool serves as a practical resource to help organizations determine how their site aligns with the best practice recommendations provided in the ASHP Guidelines on Preventing Diversion of Controlled Substances. Upon completion of the gap assessment, the results identify areas for improvement and allow the user to develop an action plan for their organization.
ASHP Pain Management/Opioid Resources and Products
Find the latest ASHP resources available related to opioids, medication for opioid use disorder, and pain management. ASHP is the leading provider of opioid related resources and we are dedicated to provide timely and important information to our members and customers.

Podcasts and Webinars
- [Podcast] Reframing the Conversation Surrounding Harm
- [Webinar] When Low is the Way to Go: The Skinny on Low-dose Buprenorphine Inductions
- [Webinar] Buprenorphine: Next Steps and Best Practices
- [Webinar] Mind the Gaps: Update on Best Practice Guidance to Mitigate Controlled Substance Diversion
- o View All Podcasts and Webinars
ASHP Meetings and Conferences

The 2023 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting offers clinical programming in multiple areas including 14.5 hours of continuing education on opioid and non-opioid analgesic management. Featured sessions include:
- A Review of Substances of Abuse
- It’s a Small World After All: Diversion Prevention Software Challenges
- No Pain, No Gain: Updates in Opioid Prescribing and Non-Opioid Pain Management
- Opioid Guidelines, Regulations, Legislation, Oh My! Unintended Consequences of Good Intentions
- Opioid Metrics: Monitor Well and Improve Safety in Your Health System
- Push the Tush: Strategies for Managing Constipation Across Healthcare Settings
- The Pain Debates: Honoring the Bow Tie
- The Scoop on Bupe: Best Practices and Barriers Bridging Care
- To Equitable Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Beyond: DEA Registered Pharmacists to the Rescue
- Wear a Seatbelt, Use Condoms, and Carry Naloxone: Harm Reduction Strategies in the Context of the Opioid Crisis
- Treating Acetaminophen Overdose: Consensus Guidelines
- Simply the Best – Updates in Best Practices for Managing Pain, Agitation, and Delirium in the Critically Ill
Learn more about these and other can't-miss Midyear sessions at midyear.ashp.org. Customize your schedule with the Session Itinerary Planner to search by day, time, topic, audience, etc.