Podcasts and Webinars
ASHP continues to be a leading provider of educational resources on opioid stewardship and opioid use disorder. Many of the podcasts and webinars that ASHP has developed are member-driven through subject matter experts. ASHP’s podcasts offer an opportunity to listen in to conversations on opioid stewardship and opioid use disorder. ASHP’s webinars provide valuable and relevant information often with continuing education (CE) included. Recent webinars can be found below and are available through ASHP’s eLearning platform.
Podcasts offering CE credit – Member-Only Resource
- Coming Around the Bend: The Management of Pain in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
- Intrathecal Targeted Drug Delivery (ITDD)
- When Low is the Way to Go: The Skinny on Low-dose Buprenorphine Inductions
- Opioid Stewardship
- Good Grief I Need Pain Relief! Treatment of Acute Pain
- Enhanced Recovery After Surgery/Enhanced Surgical Recovery
- Another Ouchie: Unintended Consequences of the Opioid Epidemic on Pediatric Pain Management
- Induction of Buprenorphine & Management of Patients with OUD in the Prehospital Setting
- I Am Not Comfortable With That! Treatment of Pain in Palliative Care
- Alternatives to Opioids (ALTO)
- Opioid De-escalation: Are We Exceeding the Speed Limit?
- A Little Dab Should Do It: Pain Management with Cannabis
- A Compassionate Approach to Acute Opioid Withdrawal
- Naloxone Distribution from the Hospital and So Can You!
- Pharmacogenomic Considerations for Pain Management
- Reframing the Conversation Surrounding Harms Reduction and How to Check Your Stigma
- This Interaction is a “Pain”: Cancer Pain Management Optimization During Treatment with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
- CDC’s Draft Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids: What It Means for Practice
- Empowering Pharmacists to Treat Opioid Use Disorder
- Prioritizing Prickly Pain Policy
- Acute Pain Management in Patients Treated with Buprenorphine
- MCM 2021 Clinical Feature: Therapeutic Debates - Gabapentin as an Opioid Sparing Agent
- Innovation at Work: Leveraging Pharmacists to Close Gaps in Mental Health and Pain Care
- Don't Get Stuck! Treating Acute Pain in Patients Taking Buprenorphine
- Pain Management and Opioid Stewardship: One and the Same or Distant Cousins?
- Impact of Systemic Racism on Pain Management Quick Recap of the Literature
- Controlled Substances Diversion: Creating a Value Proposition for All
- Opioid Stewardship Strong Practice Successes
- Clinical Highlights from the 2020 Midyear: Opioid Tapering in Palliative Care — Stepping into the Mist of the Unknown
- ISMP Targeted Medication Safety Best Practices for Hospitals #15 - Considerations for Extended-release and Long-acting Opioids
- Pursuing a Career in Pain Management Pharmacy
- Harm Reduction Strategies
- Buprenorphine for Pain - I’m (Partially) Here for It, and You Should Be Too!
- Caring for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder During COVID-19
- Implementation of an Opioid Stewardship Program at an Academic Medical Center
- Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder