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ASHP-SSHP Recognition Program

ASHP offers Student Societies of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHPs) nationwide the opportunity for official ASHP-SSHP Recognition. Official recognition provides a direct relationship between ASHP and the SSHP, and completes the “triad” relationship between ASHP, the ASHP state affiliate organization, and the SSHP. All SSHPs who have received recognition for the current academic year are listed in our ASHP Recognized Student Societies page.

ASHP-SSHP Recognition Program Step by Step

To be considered for ASHP-SSHP Recognition, the SSHP must fulfill all criteria for each category below and submit a completed application by June 30 each year. (Note: ASHP-SSHP Recognition will not be renewed without a completed, annual submission).

  1. Membership
    Hold at least one membership drive during the academic year to recruit members for ASHP, the ASHP state affiliate organization (if one exists), and the SSHP.

  2. Career Development
    1. Participate in the administration of the ASHP Clinical Skills Competition at your school. Your school must also be represented at the national competition during the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting in December.
      Note: This requirement may be waived if your school does not yet have students in their third professional year. If applicable, please clearly indicate this exception on your application packet.
    2. Coordinate at least two events featuring speakers representing health-system practice (such as a faculty member or local practitioner). It is strongly recommended that SSHPs contact the ASHP state affiliate organization to assist in the identification of potential speakers from within their membership.
    3. Coordinate at least one informational session on residency training. It is strongly recommended that SSHPs seek involvement from the ASHP state affiliate organization in the planning and implementation of this session. Residency directors and preceptors are often members of the state affiliate organization.

  3. Professional Development Project
    Coordinate at least one activity related to Workforce Well-Being and Resilience (ASHP’s Strategic Plan Goal 1.4: Improve Patient Care by Enhancing the Well-being and Resilience of Pharmacists, Student Pharmacists, and Pharmacy Technicians) or ASHP's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative (Strategic Plan Goal 1: Advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts).

  4. ASHP State Affiliate Involvement
    Collaborate with the ASHP state affiliate on at least one (1) SSHP activity (career development activities or professional development project).

  5. Practice Advancement Initiative (PAI 2030) Incorporation
    Incorporate PAI 2030 in at least one (1) SSHP activity (career development activities or professional development project). Ideas for incorporating PAI include can be found here.

    To learn more about the PAI 2030 initiative and find student resources visit ASHP's PAI 2030 webpage.

To find ideas and innovative projects implemented by other Student Societies, visit the Share and Reapply page or ASHP's SSHP Programs and Resources page under "Event Planning".

For more information relating to program requirements please visit the SSHP Recognition Program FAQ page or contact

Each year, ASHP provides the following benefits to officially recognized SSHPs:

  • Certificate of recognition
  • Awards for incoming and outgoing president/officer*
  • One complimentary ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and Summer Meeting student registration
  • Use of ASHP-SSHP Recognition program logo
  • Opportunity to be featured on the ASHP website by filling out the SSHP Spotlight Recognition Form.

    * If your SSHP does not focus solely on health-system practice, we strongly encourage the awards to be presented to the highest ranking health-system officer.

The SSHP may submit an application at any no later than June 30 of each year. Please submit all electronic documents in one transmission, utilizing the submission electronic application form linked below and the template documents provided below.

For New SSHPs seeking recognition for the first time ONLY:

  • Cover letter explaining the organization’s mission and how the organization promotes the development of health-system pharmacy practitioners
  • One copy of any existing organizational documents (i.e., charter, bylaws, constitution, or other documents that describe the structure and mission of the organization) 

For New and Previously Recognized SSHPs:

For questions related to the application requirements, please visit the SSHP Recognition Program FAQ page or contact

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