Establishing an SSHP
SSHPs help introduce ASHP and the practice of health-system pharmacy, pharmacy residencies, and practice advancement to student members. If you are part of a School or College of Pharmacy that does not currently have an active SSHP, you can visit our How to Become and SSHP page. For more information e-mail
SSHP Programs
ASHP-SSHP Recognition Program
ASHP’s official process for recognizing SSHPs. Apply annually by June 30th and take advantage of the many benefits, programs, and resources ASHP offers to recognized societies.
ASHP Clinical Skills Competition
The Clinical Skills Competition (CSC) is an interactive, team-based analysis of clinical scenarios for hospital and health-system pharmacists. This program is required for SSHPs wishing to obtain ASHP Recognition.
ASHP Graduation Cord Program
ASHP’s official criteria recommendations for awarding students regalia during graduation, in recognition for their contributions to health-system practice and active involvement.
SSHP Outstanding Professional Development Project Award
Acknowledges SSHPs for their exceptional work by highlighting outstanding professional development projects. Indicate interest in this award when submitting your ASHP-SSHP Recognition application.
Student Society Spotlights
Read about unique leadership initiatives highlighted by SSHPs nationwide. Do you have a unique event? Showcase your SSHP by completing a Spotlight application.
Student Society Showcase
ASHP’s annual showcase at the Midyear exclusive to SSHP members and leaders. Present your accomplishments and share best practices with colleagues from across the nation.
SSHP Resources
Take Action: Advocacy and Student Pharmacists [PDF]
Learn more about how student pharmacists can become involved with advocacy efforts by using the QR code in this flyer. This flyer may be shared in print or electronic form within SSHP chapters or colleges of pharmacy.
Advocacy Toolkit: Provider Status for Students
This toolkit provides you with helpful resources to support your discussions with members of Congress, your classmates, and other stakeholders as we work together to advance the Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act for the pharmacy profession and our patients.
Advocacy Information
Learn about key issues for the pharmacy profession and how ASHP is addressing them. Take action by educating your peers or contributing to the ASHP PAC.
SSHP Grassroots Advocacy Guide
Find out how your SSHP can contribute to advocacy and legislative action by exploring a number of advocacy-related resources and event ideas.
ASHP-SSHP Recognition Logo
Use the official SSHP logo for your communication vehicles such as Facebook, websites, presentations, and more.
*Only available to SSHPs that have achieved ASHP-SSHP Recognition
SSHP Social Media Toolkit
Elevate your SSHP engagement on social media using our sample posts, graphics, and tips.
Event Planning
Collaborating with State Affiliates
Explore ideas for collaboration between SSHPs and State Affiliates.
Fundraising and Philanthropy
Explore unique ideas for Student Society support and how you can give back to the profession.
Health Information Technology
Influence the development and implementation of health information technologies and standards that help improve patient care outcomes through the leadership of pharmacists.
Interprofessional Teams
Foster optimal models for team-based, patient-centered care that includes the pharmacist as the expert in medication therapy management.
Patient Safety and Continuity of Care
Promote pharmacists as the health care professional that is accountable for the medication-therapy outcomes of patients.
Pharmacy-Driven Initiatives: Disease State Management
Promote pharmacists as the health care professional that is accountable for the medication-therapy outcomes of patients.
Virtual Event Planning for SSHPs
Find ideas on virtual events your SSHP can conduct throughout the year.
Quality Improvement
Foster optimal models for team-based, patient-centered care that includes the pharmacist as the expert in medication therapy management.
Share and Reapply
Learn about successful events SSHPs have conducted on a number of different topics nationwide. Events are centered on ASHP-SSHP Recognition criteria to help your SSHP succeed.
Leadership Development
Leadership Event Ideas
Leadership is a professional obligation of all hospital and health-system pharmacists. Find out how your SSHP can engage student members and grow pharmacy’s future leaders.
Leadership Journal Club
Establish a leadership journal club at your SSHP. Find recommended readings, discussion questions, and a suggested schedule to help you get started.
ASHP has developed workshops designed to enhance engagement, promote leadership development, and expose students to practice advancement. Visit the pages below to find all the resources you need to host a workshop in your SSHP.
Student Leadership Development Workshop
Three-hour workshop designed to be an interactive way of exposing students to contemporary leadership topics in pharmacy practice.
ASHP Pharmacy Forecast Workshop
A 1–3-hour workshop presentation (dependent upon audience) that utilizes several methods of teaching, which include didactic lecture, a case-based workshop, and an interactive voting session on ASHP’s annual Pharmacy Forecast and practice trends.
Membership Recruitment
ASHP Student Membership and You
Learn about ASHP’s student membership benefits and how they apply to students in each stage of their educational journey.
Membership Recruitment Toolkit
Find information about ASHP’s online and print materials for your SSHP. This page includes customizable presentation templates, videos, posters, and brochures your SSHP can use for recruitment.
SSHP Membership Drives
Get ideas and tips on how to conduct a successful membership drive at your SSHP.
SSHP Member Processing and Submission Guide
Find step by step instructions on collecting, processing, and submitting student membership information to ASHP.
Membership Roster Submission Portal
Submit your SSHP student roster to ASHP so we may process your memberships following the Fall and Spring recruitment drives. Questions? E-mail
Meeting Programming
ASHP National Meetings and Conferences
View opportunities for emerging student leaders at ASHP's annual conferences. Note that the ASHP Summer Meetings and ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting hold student tracks with programming relevant to student interests.
Find template presentations on a variety of topics including residency training, health-system pharmacy careers, and more.
Access live and recorded webinars—a perfect addition to your next SSHP meeting.