- Determine/estimate the number of individuals planning on attending the program.
- Bring name tags for participants, if not already supplied at the event.
- Secure AV and Sound equipment (laptop, projector, 2-3 lapel microphones, floor microphone if large group is expected.)
- Determine appropriate setup of the room where you will be presenting, depending on the number of individuals attending (eight (8) top circular tables preferred.)
- Have a head table that seats at least 4 individuals. This should be placed at the front of the room for the breakout session the mock executive committee.
- Develop program promotional flier to send out prior to the event. May also consider passing out to students at the registration desk to promote the program.
- Determine who will be printing out cases for all students to take with them following the program. (Estimates for printing cases: divide estimated number of students by 4, make that many copies of each case plus some extras.) Slides and other materials are posted on the Student Leadership Development Workshop page.
- Determine the number of facilitators that will be needed for the session and confirm with email. Set up a 30 minute conference call to review roles and responsibilities prior to event.
- Prepare tent cards for each discussion table listing the topics. (Recommend using numbering system.)
- Assure that one (1) legal pad and pens/pencils are available for each table and five (5) pads for the head table. (For breakout session executive members.)
- Bring three sheets of colored paper to assist with breakout session time keeping for five minute sales pitch. (One red, one yellow, one green)
- About two weeks prior to registration deadline, send a targeted email to student chapter presidents informing them of the program and provide information to share with other members at their college of pharmacy.