January 2018
"Now we're there and we've only just begun
And this will be our year
Took a long time to come
Yeah we only just begun
Yeah this will be our year
Took a long time to come”
The Zombies –This Will Be Our Year
Happy New Year! I am feeling professionally renewed after another successful Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition in December in Orlando, FL. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting with friends, colleagues, expanding my practice knowledge, and interacting with you all. Thank you for continuing the celebration of 10 years of informatics, networking, and professional growth for ASHP SOPIT!
A special thanks to our SAG leaders Drs. Goldrosen, Anderegg, Aguero, and Ms. Dreger for their facilitation of our SOPIT Networking Sessions. It was great to discuss these topics with you all and collect your insight and feedback. Lastly, another congratulations to Nancy Smestad, B.S.Pharm, M.S. – the 2017 Distinguished Service Award recipient for SOPIT.
Please see the recent blog post from ASHP CEO Dr. Paul Abramowitz about the impact of drug shortages on patient care and ASHP's efforts to address them: Drug Shortages Harm Patients. As we weigh the implications of frequent drug shortages for informatics and the medication-use systems we maintain, I appreciate ASHP’s ongoing advocacy and vigilance.
Section Advisory Group (SAG) re/appointments 2018-2019
After 10 years of SOPIT activity we are reaching an exciting level of member participation and involvement. Due to the increasing number of requests to be involved in a SAG or the Educational Steering Committee (ESC), we will be modifying our process this year to determine new appointments, changed or re-appointments. To increase the efficiency of the SAGs, and align with the processes of the other Sections, we will be decreasing the number of members appointed. However, we will be opening other avenues for you all to remain active and participate in workgroups, task forces, liaison to external informatics groups, or in other advisory capacities. Please look for additional information regarding this revised process soon on ASHP Connect.
Summer Meeting 2018
It is not too early to plan to attend the Summer Meetings & Exhibition from June 2-6, 2018 in Denver CO. I am looking forward to seeing you all there!
Of note, I will be facilitating a special Networking Session –along with Chair-Elect Dr. Maritza Lew and Immediate Past Chair Dr. Sylvia Belford –focused on the ASHP collaboration with the National Academy of Medicine Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this important issue, and how we approach it from an informatics perspective.
Share your knowledge
Proposals are now being accepted for the 2018 National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference, October 11-13, 2018 in Dallas, TX.
Proposals are also now being accepted until February 1, 2018 for 2018 Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition, December 2-6, 2018 in Anaheim, CA.
What do informaticists do?
Lastly, our SAG on Professional Development has facilitated a comprehensive 2017 update to the 2006 PGY2 Pharmacy Informatics Residency Program Competency Areas, Goals and Objectives (CAGO). Please review this important updated information and look for an upcoming Webinar on this topic soon!
Wishing you all a successful start to 2018; thank you for all you do to ensure safe, effective, efficient, and economical medication-use systems for our patients.
Joseph Lassiter, M.S., Pharm.D., BCPS
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology