August 2022
“It would be all so easy if you had a map to the Maze.
If the same old routines worked.
If they'd just stop moving "The Cheese."
But things keep changing...”?
- “Who Moved My Cheese”, Spencer Johnson, M.D.
Dear Colleagues,
Hearing the phrase “Back to normal” has me reflecting often about who moved my cheese. The last few years were challenging for all of us on many fronts, both personally and professionally. I would like to encourage the section this year not to lament the struggles and difficulties that were overcome, but to focus on the silver lining and embrace the progress that was made. We were given a path toward increased utilization of technology in the way we provide day-to-day patient care. Instead of going “back to normal”, we should blaze a trail forward and demonstrate that a new way can be a better way. Some of the latitude granted in our practice models was temporary on either a state or federal level, but we need to collectively celebrate the advances that were made and work to preserve the improvements. One of the first steps taken was the development of the ASHP Statement on Telehealth Pharmacy Practice that was recently approved by the ASHP House of Delegates. I encourage all of you to reflect on and share your personal or institutional accomplishments through publications, presentations, podcasts, or ASHP Connect. I am excited to begin our endeavor on this year’s upcoming projects with our SAGs and membership, and let’s start looking for that cheese.
Executive Committee 2022-2023
I would like to first give a heartfelt thank you to Seth Hartman, our outgoing Past-Chair, and Carol White, our outgoing Director-at-Large. Your dedication and contributions over the last three years have been amazing. I have the privilege of welcoming our new Chair-Elect, Hesham Mourad, PharmD, EMBA, BCCCP, BCPS, CPHIMS and Director-at-Large-Elect, Ryan Cello, PharmD. Thank you to all those that applied to be candidates and for your continued contributions of your time and leadership skills for the Section.
Upcoming Events
ASHP Informatics Preceptor and Resident Networking (I-PRN)
The I-PRN begins meeting this month. The meetings are open to all, but mostly include pharmacy informatics preceptors, pharmacy informatics residency directors, former pharmacy informatics residents, and most importantly current informatics residents. These are the objectives of the group:
- Provide PGY2 Informatics Preceptors, Residents, and Residency Program Directors opportunities to share ideas, network and provide structured learning opportunities
- Provide a platform on which to share insight on accreditation standards, program structure, competency areas, goals and objectives, and learning activities
- Provide a feedback mechanism for projects
- Assist newly emerging programs with all of the above
- Increase Program engagement with ASHP and SOPIT
- Report to Professional Development SAG
- Residents present their project or research outcomes for continuing education at the end of the year
- Develop a structured new residency program mentoring opportunity, pairing established programs with a program in pre-candidate status or seeking that status
Please reach out to David Berkowitz or Shawn Mathew if you wish to be involved.
I look forward to seeing many of you “Live” at the ASHP MCM this year in Las Vegas. Please keep an eye out in the coming months for information about a SOPIT social gathering.
Benjamin J. Anderson, PharmD, MPH
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology