March 2019
Hi Everyone,
I hope this note finds all of you in good spirits while we celebrate the year of the pig during this Lunar New Year. We are almost one quarter through 2019 and each SOPIT SAG is busy wrapping up their projects and preparing for our upcoming Summer Meeting in Boston. The Executive Committee has been busy getting things done too! We have two projects underway that are targeted to complete by June. The first project is related to leading and managing the work of a pharmacy informatics team within the various models found in healthcare today and the second project is related to tips and tricks we've all collectively learned over the years to stay resilient and persevere over time.
On March 5th, ASHP's Commission on Goals held an interdisciplinary meeting in Bethesda, MD, to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on healthcare and pharmacy practice. Our Section Director, Amey Hugg, attended this meeting along with other members of the Commission to obtain input from key leaders from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, data science, technology, and health policy. Please look out for their findings and guidance on potential strategic areas of focus for ASHP. Proceedings of the commission meeting will be published online ahead of print in a forthcoming issue of AJHP.
Section News
- Nominations are being accepted for Distinguished Service Awards though April 1, 2019. Nominate a colleague today to recognize sustained service to pharmacy informatics!
- The nomination process for your 2019-2020 Executive Committee is completed. Please look for a ballot with the slated candidates in the near future.
- ASHP SOPIT member spotlight: would you like to share your background, experience and path to informatics? Contact Section Director Amey Hugg to learn more.
- Match Day is March 15 for Phase 1, so if your resident accepts the position, please have them complete the survey to sign up.
Section Advisory Group (SAG) re/appointments 2019-2020
The application for Section Advisory Group (SAG) re/appointments 2019-2020 is open now through April 1, 2019. The SAG is a great place to collaborate with fellow pharmacy informatics. If you are looking for an opportunity to become more involved with the section, please apply for either a position on our Section Advisory Group, Educational Steering Committee, or Pharmacy Health Information Technology Collaborative (PHIT). The length of service is at least one year. For those currently participating and who would like to continue in a SAG, please be sure to reapply.
Summer Meeting & Exhibition 2019 i3
I am looking forward to connecting with you at Summer Meetings & Exhibition from June 8-12, 2019 in Boston, MA. Register for this year's I3 - Integrated Informatics Institute. To integrate technology into all the programs, the informatics programs have been distributed throughout all 4 tracks: Ambulatory Care Conference, Specialty Pharmacy, Influencers and Innovators, and Medication Safety Collaborative. Informatics programs are easily identified by the " i3" orange icon. #ashpsm19
Share your knowledge
- Please stay tuned for a request this April for Informatics Pearl proposals for the 2019 Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition, December 8-12, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV.
International Women's Day #BalanceForBetter
As we celebrate International Women's Day this month, I think back on my own career and the women who have made a difference for me. I am grateful for my first boss in IT, Marilyn Davis. When life's circumstances presented me with challenges, she opened a door for me in IT and led my way. As one of the first women in informatics, she viewed challenges as opportunities and was a key influencer in how I approach informatics today with passion and perseverance. In honor of International Women's Day this year, please take a moment and reflect on those who have influenced you and peruse ASHPs Women in Pharmacy Leadership on-line resource. The final report posted by the Steering Committee has a wealth of information and recommendations to support women in achieving pharmacy leadership skills and roles at every level and practice setting.
Book Recommendations
I love books. I can't say it more simply. Over the years, I find that I favor books that teach me how to look at things differently. For those of you who have asked me for book recommendations, here is a recent list of books that I particularly like and highly recommend for everyone. In each one, there is a pearl of knowledge that I'm sure you will also find worth your while and can use in your career.
- Grit by Angela Duckworth - highly recommend for everyone (new grads, seasoned pharmacists, retirees)
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
- The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman and Paul White
- Start With Why by Simon Sinek
- Multipliers by Liz Wiseman
Thank you everyone all that you do behind the scenes to assure that our patients have the best care.
Happy Reading!
Maritza Lew, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, PMP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology