September 2018
Dear Colleagues,
It's been a busy month getting ready for the beginning of our SOPIT year. With the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting around the corner, presentation submission deadlines on the horizon, and work initiatives in flight (e.g,. upgrades, usability testing, and opioid use concerns), take some time to disconnect and refuel your energy levels. Taking care of yourself and getting rest are important factors to getting through your journey.
A funny story happened to me the other day. I came to work, tackled a list of to-dos and worked my email inbox to zero. I sat back in my chair and soaked in my moment of triumph when all of a sudden I heard that the email servers had been down all morning and would come back up shortly. I laughed a little after realizing that my heroic efforts had largely been achieved by a temporary downtime unbeknownst to me.
Technology impacts our everyday lives in so many ways. Whether it is building more efficient tools for patient care or managing our workload, technology has become so commonplace for many of us. Finding the right balance between being connected and disconnected is the key to staying healthy and getting things done. In this upcoming year, schedule some personal downtime and give yourself the gift of time.
Executive Committee 2018-2019
I am pleased to announce that our Executive Committee is now finalized with the election of our new Chair-elect and Director-at-Large-elect. Thank you to all the slated candidates who volunteered their time and leadership skills for these positions:
- Samm Anderegg, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS, is joining the Executive Committee as our Chair-Elect! Samm was previously an active member of our Section's Clinical Applications Section Advisory Group, and we are looking forward to his leadership over the next few years.
- Benjamin Anderson, Pharm.D., MPH., is joining the Executive Committee as our Director-at-Large Elect! Ben was previously an active member of our Section's Clinical Decision Support and Analytics Section Advisory Group, and we are looking forward to his leadership over the next few years.
Section Advisory Groups and Committees
September marks the beginning of our Section Advisory Group (SAG) activity. For those appointed to SAG, please keep an eye out for the invitations to these monthly meetings. The Executive Committee is looking forward to working with the SAG leaders and members to achieve our goals for this upcoming year.
- SAG on Clinical Applications: recommendations to assist pharmacists in the design, implementation, interoperability, and meaningful use of clinical applications.
- Chair: Raymond Chan, Pharm.D.
- Vice-Chair: Chad Stasheck, Pharm.D., M.S.
- Executive Committee Liaison: Samm Anderegg, Pharm.D. M.S., BCPS
- SAG on Clinical Decision Support and Analytics: optimization of clinical decision support and incorporation of new and innovative clinical functionality into appropriate clinical workflows in electronic health records and clinical information systems.
- Chair: Van Do, Pharm.D.
- Vice-Chair: Clay Daniels, Pharm.D., PhD
- Executive Committee Liaison: Barry M. McClain, Pharm.D., M.S.
- SAG on Operations and Automation: safe, interoperable, efficient use and ongoing maintenance of Medication-Use Technology.
- Chair: David Aguero, Pharm.D., DPLA
- Vice-Chair: Dennis Lim, Pharm.D.
- Executive Committee Liaison: Ben Anderson, Pharm.D. MPH.
- SAG on Professional Development: providing education and training materials for practicing and future Pharmacy Informaticists.
- Chair: Ashley Mains Espinosa, Pharm.D., M.S., CPHIMS
- Vice-Chair: Marc Willner, Pharm.D., CPHIMS
- Executive Committee Liaison: Maritza Lew, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, PMP
- Educational Steering Committee: responsible for vetting educational meeting sessions that identify practice gaps for the Midyear Clinical Meeting.
- Chair: Carol White, Pharm.D., BCPS, CGP, CPHIMS
- Vice-Chair: Julie Pawola, Pharm.D.
- Executive Committee Liaison: Seth Hartman, Pharm.D., M.B.A
Upcoming Meetings and Conferences
ASHP Policy Week is scheduled for September 24-27, 2018 in Bethesda, MD. Section Chairs join our colleagues from the Councils on Education and Workforce Development, Pharmacy Management, Pharmacy Practice, Public Policy, and Therapeutics, as well as the Commission on Affiliate Relations, to discuss policy and advocacy efforts.
The National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference will be held October 11-13, 2018 in Dallas, TX. This conference is for pharmacy practitioners at all levels and practice settings who seek quality programming and networking opportunities with other practitioners across the country.
The Conference for Pharmacy Leaders will be held October 15-16, 2018 in Dallas, TX. This conference is the essential event for pharmacy leaders from all levels and practice settings.
The 11th Annual Mediation Safety Conference is scheduled for November 2-4, 2018 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The theme of this year's Conference is to look forward for the future and the scope of the latest technology that can be used for the benefit of the industry.
Join me at the ASHP 2018 Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition December 2-6, 2018 in Anaheim, CA.. Registration is open now – with an early bird deadline of October 18, 2017. Plan on attending the largest gathering of pharmacy professionals in the world!
Celebration Time -- Nationwide Awareness Week October 8-12, 2018
Alas, we have a nationwide awareness week focused on catalyzing actionable change with the U.S. health system through the application of information and technology. The week-long celebration is a time to recognize and share with our colleagues the power information and technology has to transform health in the U.S. and its wide-reaching global impact. To see all the activities on the horizon, go to the US. National Healthcare IT Week website. ASHP is a Partner.
Thank you for your engagement, and all you do to ensure safe, effective, efficient and economical medication-use systems for our patients and fellow clinicians.
Maritza Lew, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, PMP
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology