September 2019
Dear Friends,
This year is off to a great start. We have a solid group of innovators participating in Section Advisory Groups (SAGs) and Committees supported by an all star cast on our Executive Committee. Our list of objectives is aggressive and include increased involvement in the ASHP policy process (e.g. statements, guidelines, etc.) and ramping up educational content on emerging technologies. We plan to accomplish our goals through tried-and-true methods with a healthy dose of innovation. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to serve this year.
It’s important to note that our work is not confined to our SAGs. This year, I challenge every member of our Section to share what you are learning at your workplace and beyond. The greatest gift you can give is sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences with your peers. I bet there’s another member experiencing similar challenges: battling resource constraints, navigating internal politics, applying to residency, building complex interfaces, working with APIs, noodling on a start-up, solving workflow challenges...doing more with less. Share what you know and lean on each other for advice and guidance. Contribute to this wonderful community and it will come back to you 10-fold.
Don’t be afraid to use your right brain. Interview a classmate, co-resident, or colleague on an interesting topic and publish it on YouTube or do it live on Twitch. Don’t like being on camera? Go the podcast route through Soundcloud or iTunes. Prefer to write? Check out Medium or Blogger. Try something new and crosspost to ASHP Connect to share with our community. We did it for SOPIT Orientation last month, check it out!
Our goals call for leadership, creativity, and teamwork across our entire Section...and a bias for action. As our motto so eloquently explains: “We get IT done for our patients.” Let’s go to work.
Don’t forget to register for the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting 2019. October 24, 2019 is the Early Bird Registration rate deadline! There will be a continuation of the Integrated Informatics Institute (i3) consisting of at least thirteen hours of innovative informatics educational programming beginning Sunday afternoon before the BIGGER. BRIGHTER. MIDYEAR, so plan to come early to Las Vegas! Hope to see you there.
Best regards,
Samm Anderegg, Pharm.D., M.S., BCBS
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology