September 2017
“All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon”
-"Eclipse", Pink Floyd
In August we were treated to a brilliant view of the Total Solar Eclipse. For that moment in time, we all watched the beautify of Nature in shared awe. However, this month Mother Nature challenges us with the devastating effects of tropical storms, hurricanes, and wildfires. Despite the challenges, I am hearted by the sense of community, service, and sacrifice by pharmacy professionals from across the country. For our colleagues impacted by these calamitous events, we stand ready to support you and your patients; Dr. Abramowitz writes about ASHP’s efforts to support those affected in a recent blog post.
Executive Committee 2017-2018
I am pleased to announce that our Executive Committee is now finalized with the election of our new Chair-Elect and Director-at-Large Elect. Thank you to all the slated candidates who volunteered their time and leadership skills for these positions:
- Maritza Lew, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, PMP, returns to the Executive Committee as our Chair-Elect! Maritza recently completed her term as Director-at-Large for the Executive Committee. We are excited to have her back in an ongoing leadership role.
- Barry M. McClain, Pharm.D., M.S., is joining the Executive Committee as our Director-at-Large Elect! Barry was previously an active member of our Section’s Educational Steering Committee, and we are looking forward to his leadership over the next few years.
Section Advisory Groups and Committees
September marks the beginning of our Section Advisory Group (SAG) activity. For those appointed to a SAG please keep an eye out for the invitations to these monthly meetings. As a reminder, this year our SAGs were updated with a slight reorganization to better reflect the needs of our members. The Executive Committee is looking forward to working with the SAG leaders and members to achieve our goals for this upcoming year.
SAG on Clinical Applications: recommendations to assist pharmacists in the design, implementation, interoperability, and meaningful use of clinical applications.
- Chair: Samm Anderegg, Pharm.D., M.S., BCPS
- Vice-Chair: Raymond Chan, Pharm.D.
- Executive Committee Liaison: Beth Prier, Pharm.D., M.S., CPHIMS
SAG on Clinical Decision Support and Analytics: optimization of clinical decision support and incorporation of new and innovative clinical functionality into appropriate clinical workflows in electronic health records and clinical information systems.
- Chair: Kerry Goldrosen, Pharm.D.
- Vice-Chair: Van Do, Pharm.D.
- Executive Committee Liaison: Seth Hartman, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
SAG on Operations and Automation: safe, interoperable, efficient use and ongoing maintenance of Medication-Use Technology.
- Chair: John Barickman, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A., FACHE
- Vice-Chair: David Aguero, Pharm.D., DPLA
- Executive Committee Liaison: Joe Lassiter, Pharm.D., M.S.
SAG on Professional Development: providing education and training materials for practicing and future Pharmacy Informaticists.
- Chair: Anna Dreger, R.Ph.
- Vice-Chair: Ashley Mains Espinosa, Pharm.D., M.S., CPHIMS
- Executive Committee Liaison: Barry M. McClain, Pharm.D., M.S.
Educational Steering Committee: responsible for vetting educational meeting sessions that identify practice gaps for the Midyear Clinical Meeting.
- Chair: Mark Baumgart, Pharm.D.
- Vice-Chair: Carol White, Pharm.D., BCPS, CGP, CPHIMS
- Executive Committee Liaison: Maritza Lew, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, PMP
Meetings and Conferences
ASHP Policy Week is scheduled for September 25-28, 2017 in Bethesda, MD. Section Chairs join our colleagues from the Councils on Education and Workforce Development, Pharmacy Management, Pharmacy Practice, Public Policy, and Therapeutics, as well as the Commission on Affiliate Relations, to discuss policy and advocacy efforts.
The Conference for Pharmacy Leaders will be held October 16-17, 2017 in Chicago, IL. This conference is the essential event for pharmacy leaders from all levels and practice settings.
The 10th Annual Medication Safety Conference is scheduled for October 27-29, 2017 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The theme of this year’s Conference is the roles of health system integration and patient engagement in improving medication safety.
Join me at the Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition December 3-7, 2017 in Orlando, FL. Registration is open now – with an early bird deadline of October 19, 2017. Plan on attending the largest gathering of pharmacy professionals in the world!
What do informaticists do?
Lastly, I am always on the lookout for creative ways to share what we as informaticists do.
Brian Fung, Pharm.D., BCPS – SOPIT member and Mayo Clinic Medication Management Informaticist – has created a stellar video channel discussing various aspects of our field. Check out his Connect post and share!
Thank you for your engagement, and all you do to ensure safe, effective, efficient and economical medication-use systems for our patients and fellow clinicians.
Joseph Lassiter, M.S., Pharm.D., BCPS
Chair, Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology